Pass the Hybrid Cloud – Architect exam to stay ahead of the technology curve. Those that achieve this certification have validation of the knowledge, skills and the ability to position and design NetApp Hybrid Cloud solutions that satisfy customer requirements.
The exam tests a candidate’s ability to generally analyze, position, and design NetApp Hybrid Cloud solutions and concepts to satisfy customer requirements on one of the three public cloud service providers (AWS, GCP, Azure.)
Candidates should have:
Hyperscaler certification: (at least one required):
You should be able to do these tasks:
Domain 1. Customer Requirements
Domain 2. NetApp Hybrid Cloud Solutions
Domain 3. Hybrid Cloud Architecture
Domain 4. Business Continuity and Data Protection
Domain 5. Networking
Domain 6. Sizing and Scale
Domain 7. Security
Domain 8. Monitoring
Proof of successful completion of at least one of these exams:
Consider completing the following NetApp Associate Accreditation exams:
Every NetApp certification is supported by training courses to make passing the exam as easy as possible for our learners.