May 3rd, 2024
Starting today, you can create FSx for ONTAP scale-out file systems that deliver up to 72 GB/s of throughput —2x higher performance than before.
The doubling of throughput is achieved by building file systems from 12 highly available (HA) pairs. Before this update, a file system could be created from a maximum of 6 HA pairs that delivered up to 36 GB/s of read throughput and 6 GB/s of write throughput. Now, you can create file systems with up to 12 HA pairs delivering up to 72 GB/s of read throughput and 12 GB/sec of write throughput — enabling you to easily lift-and-shift even more high-performance ONTAP workloads to AWS.
These new FSx for ONTAP performance improvements are available in the following AWS Regions: US East (N. Virginia, Ohio), US West (Oregon), Europe (Ireland), and Asia Pacific (Sydney). Learn more about these performance improvements from the documentation found on the FSx for ONTAP resources page.