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Auto-tier data with Google Cloud NetApp Volumes to reduce cloud storage costs general availability

September 20, 2024

Google Cloud NetApp Volumes, a fully managed, secure, and performant file storage service that supports SAP, Microsoft, and Linux-based applications, now offers automated data tiering to reduce overall storage costs. Once enabled for a volume, auto-tiering identifies and transparently moves infrequently used data from the higher performance tier to a less expensive, lower performance tier, often lowering costs of storing that data by 30%-50%. Auto-tiering can be enabled on a per volume basis for the Premium or Extreme service levels. 

Using storage without Auto-tiering will keep infrequently accessed data on a higher performance, higher cost storage tier. With auto-tiering, customers can define a cooling period, how long the data will remain on the performance tier without being accessed, before it is seamlessly moved to a lower performance, lower cost storage tier. Auto-tiering is transparent to an application and user accessing the volume via NFS or SMB with the full dataset being visible within the volume requiring no configuration beyond specifying the cooling period.  

Additional details on the auto-tiering can be found in the product documentation.

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