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Accelerating the Software Development Lifecycle

Develop. Test. Deploy. Analyze. Repeat. NetApp solutions can help optimize each phase of the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) to help you improve your offerings, as well as the experience for developers.

Why NetApp for accelerating the SDLC?

Optimize your SDLC, improve the developer experience

Software offerings are core differentiators in attracting new customers, maintaining customer loyalty, and fending off competitors. NetApp products and their data management features can help optimize your Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) and improve the developer experience.

NetApp solutions help you provide optimal developer environments with production quality data using NetApp cloning capabilities, complete tests faster and with more valuable results, improve time to production, and continuously monitor and augment code.

Optimize and improve

Accelerate the SDLC to attract new customers, maintain customer loyalty, and beat the competition.

Differentiating with software

Software offerings are core differentiators in attracting new customers, maintaining customer loyalty, and fending off competitors. Whether you're doing agile development, or implementing DevOps improving your software development lifecycle is a top priority. NetApp products and their data management features can help optimize your SDLC and improve the developer experience.

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SDLC phases

Take a look at the different phases in the Software Development Lifecycle

Phase 1: Develop

Enhance code quality by providing optimal developer environments with production-quality data using NetApp cloning capabilities. Key integration technologies include Docker: nDVP, Puppet, and Cloud Volumes ONTAP.

Read about Wirestorm’s end-to-end automation.

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Phase 2: Test

Advance testing speed and quality. Complete tests faster and with more valuable results. Key integration technologies include Jenkins, Apprenda, and JFrog.

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Phase 3: Deploy

Advance testing speed and quality. Complete tests faster and with more valuable results. Key integration technologies include Jenkins, Apprenda, and JFrog.

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Phase 4: Analyze

Continuously monitor and augment code. Provide better visibility into environment behavior, health, and efficiencies. Key integration technologies include Splunk, AppDynamics, OCI, and ActiveIQ.

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Test drive Trident

Get a better understanding about the benefits of persistent storage on NetApp with Trident. Take an up-close look by test driving a hands-on lab today.

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There couldn’t be a better time than right now for your digital transformation. And the smartest move you can make is to join forces with NetApp today.

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