Better cloud ROI? Yes, please. You're investing a lot in cloud — are you getting the right return? It’s time to tackle multicloud complexity and rein in your cloud budget. Take charge. Cut cloud storage costs by up to 60% [1] and reduce data requirements by up to 96%[2]
When we say multicloud, we mean it. NetApp supports you on virtually any cloud you choose. AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud all rely on NetApp to deliver outstanding performance and security. And, although a multicloud environment brings costs and complexity, they can – thankfully – be managed. Here are steps you can take today to stop costs from biting you in the bottom line.
A simple place to start is discovering, mapping, and classifying your data to understand what you have and where it's stored. Scan all your unstructured and structured data with NetApp BlueXP classification. Using artificial intelligence, natural language processing, and machine learning, NetApp gives you a full inventory of all connected data sources so that you can reduce or relocate data and use your resources efficiently.
Efficiently prioritize and optimize your data needs for your multicloud workloads and apps. With NetApp Cloud Volumes, you can optimize your cloud storage costs and increase application performance while enhancing data protection, security, and compliance.
Automate the provisioning of data storage resources—even to the point of self-service—by using policies. With NetApp BlueXPTM, you can discover, deploy, and manage on-premises and cloud-resident NetApp ONTAP® systems and operations seamlessly and consistently. BlueXP delivers unified services across multicloud environments, while consolidating and streamlining operations into a single pane of glass with point-and-click simplicity.
Are your data capacity needs outgrowing your cloud budget? You can store virtually unlimited data in a single file system tiering to lower cost storage tiers, providing lower-cost, elastic, petabyte-scale storage for data that is accessed less frequently in any cloud. NetApp Cloud Tiering supports cloud object storage repositories like Simple Storage Service (S3), Azure Blob, and cold storage.
You need to manage and secure your entire multicloud environment so that your key services can run 24/7. We make it easy with NetApp Cloud Insights, a SaaS-based monitoring tool that gives you complete visibility into your infrastructure and applications. With Cloud Insights, you can monitor, troubleshoot, and optimize all your resources and applications across your entire technology stack, whether it’s on premises or in the cloud. You get end-to-end visibility into all key services along with the forensic data needed to keep them running efficiently.
Simplify provisioning and consumption of your data services across multiple clouds in the face of dynamic workload requirements. Flexible consumption through BlueXP Digital Wallet helps you avoid prohibitive upfront costs. You can deploy smaller workloads without large initial outlays, and then scale costs as your workloads scale.
Finally, your deployment environment needs to meet your standard requirements in a streamlined, simplified manner. The NetApp AppTemplate service—freely available to all BlueXP customers—enables you to deploy standard resources across environments. The service provides an infrastructure-as-code experience for those who want to automate complex deployments while keeping resources in compliance with corporate standards.
The times they are a-changin’ and NetApp is delivering a better hybrid multicloud experience. Unified operations. Built-in protection. Automation to go green and save green. Bye-bye chaos. We won’t miss you.
Ready to take charge of your multicloud environment? It starts with NetApp.