Speed is mandatory in application development today. Inside NetApp IT, we have built a cloud-based, automated, self-service platform called CloudOne, which lets us rapidly deliver infrastructure to help shorten application development cycles. It offers the push-button deployment of an entire application development environment that includes the application code, a database, components, network interfaces, and a storage environment.
Our developers and users can visit the CloudOne Self-Service Portal to select DevOps service, infrastructure as a service (IaaS), container as a service (CaaS), or database as a service (DBaaS). Our public platform as a service (PaaS) marketplace is under development and will be released in a few months.
David Fox is a Senior UNIX Systems Engineer in NetApp IT. He is responsible for managing the IT UNIX environment, including implementing IT automation using Ansible, maintaining the use of Docker in the production environment, and leveraging OpenStack. He previously worked as a systems administrator and infrastructure engineer at IBM.