Are you working with a specialist for your SAP landscapes?
Dave Krenik
Woe to the specialist who is not a pretty fair generalist and woe to the generalist who is not also a bit of a specialist. — Samuel Butler
I referred to David Epstein’s book Range in my previous post about wine and tech. Mr. Epstein makes the case that the most effective “specialists” come from “generalist” backgrounds: “But among athletes who go on to become elite, broad early experience and delayed specialization is the norm… Steve Nash is a relatively normal-sized Canadian who did not get a basketball until he was thirteen years old; he won the NBA MVP award, twice.” In essence, having a broad collection of experiences early helps us to become better at what we choose to specialize in later. Meaning that the most effective specialists mature from a generalist background into a specialist role later on.
Specialists must feel special. — Alain Bremond-Torrent
NetApp has several short videos featuring our own SAP specialists (with broad backgrounds). The videos cover system copies, test, and more. After watching the videos, schedule some time with the featured specialists to get answers to questions specific to your own SAP landscapes. Again—there’s no obligation.
If you’re working with a generalist to help move some of your SAP landscapes to the cloud, maybe you should be working with someone who already knows all about how to do that: NetApp, the cloud specialists.
Dave Krenik
Dave has been bringing solutions to market under various monikers (alliances, business development, solution marketing) for more than 15 years. Before entering the world of tech, he enjoyed a 15-year stint in the wine business.