This is the first of a monthly series of blog posts in which I’ll offer tips to help you realize the full benefits of your NetApp investment such as what you can do to maximize your ROI while incorporating best practices to manage your data. The month of July is all about freedom, so let’s start with how you can experience freedom of mind with NetApp.
Having freedom of mind is like being on a trip with your family and enjoying every minute of it. Not wondering what’s going to happen if you take your attention away from the data center. Or like enjoying a new movie in a theater without worrying about whether your high-performance systems have any security vulnerabilities. NetApp® Support gives you that freedom of mind. We’re there when you need us.
With an active support contract, you have the ability to stay ahead of potential risks and attacks. Tools like NetApp Active IQ® provide predictive analytics so that most issues with your systems can be addressed proactively before you even know about them. This freedom allows you to focus your time on the most important business priorities rather than managing numerous support tickets.
Our service options are designed to meet your specific needs, from basic hardware and software support to comprehensive, proactive, personalized support from NetApp technical experts and our digital support tools. To help you plan your budget, all of the new SupportEdge offerings come with flat and predictable pricing1 across the lifecycle of your NetApp solution.
Ready to renew your support? Get started now so you can continue enjoying doing what you do when you’re away from the data center.
1. NetApp offers flat and predictable pricing only for the party purchasing directly from NetApp, whether that is the end customer, distributor, or reseller partner. Flat and predictable pricing (i) is subject to increases for annual inflation (as measured by the Producer Price Index). (ii) does not include replicating any one-time promotional discounts or deal discounts upon renewal. (iii) Third-party branded products that NetApp supports may be subject to additional passthrough increases imposed by third-party vendors.