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How to protect unstructured data with ONTAP

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Jason Blosil

There’s a wide chasm between security for structured data and security for unstructured data. Why? Unstructured data is more complex. Access and management of unstructured data is less consistent, and fewer controls are available to protect it. When companies started migrating to the cloud, they just moved their unstructured data protection problems to the cloud.

It’s now time to get serious about data protection, which means it needs to be part of your hybrid cloud data management strategy.

NetApp® ONTAP® data management software is the solid foundation of all our hybrid cloud storage solutions. And native data protection capabilities are part of our DNA. ONTAP eliminates many of the traditional challenges of protecting your structured and unstructured data.

Here are the top 10 native data protection features of NetApp ONTAP:

  1. Minimize protection windows. Fast NetApp Snapshot copies allow you to create recovery points in seconds, minimizing data loss and achieving recovery time objectives in minutes.

  2. Retain storage efficiencies end to end. Minimize your data footprint across your entire hybrid cloud infrastructure with industry-leading native data reduction technologies.

  3. Simplify deployment and testing. Perform risk-free disaster recovery testing and use flexible replication scheduling and data retention on premises or in the cloud.

  4. Secure data inline and in place. With in-flight and at-rest encryption and user-managed keys, your data is always safe from unwanted access.

  5. Reduce training and overhead. Use the same UI, CLI, or APIs for your primary and secondary storage—on premises or in the cloud. No more rewriting scripts or learning new tools.

  6. Reuse data for other workloads. Clone your secondary data and use near-production-level data for reporting, analytics, dev/test, and more.

  7. Avoid vendor lock-in. With secondary data stored in native format, it’s always available through standard network storage protocols and through block storage.

  8. Shrink costs with object storage. Back up and replicate Snapshot copies—natively and efficiently—to cloud object storage, on premises or in the cloud.

  9. Integrate advanced management. Integrate existing third-party data protection software with our data protection technologies, so you don’t have to sacrifice what’s already working.

  10. Thwart ransomware attacks. Protect against and recover from ransomware attacks with built-in screening of malicious files, read-only immutable Snapshot copies, and rapid restore.

Learn more

When it comes to data protection, NetApp ONTAP has it covered. To learn more about ONTAP and our data protection and ransomware solutions, check out our e-book: Unfear the challenges of unstructured data protection.

Jason Blosil

Jason is a business and marketing professional with over 20 years of product marketing, product management, and corporate finance experience. Since joining NetApp in 2008 he has been focused on SAN and NAS storage, backup and disaster recovery solutions, and cloud data services. When not in the office, you can find him cycling, cooking, enjoying time with family, and volunteering at his church and in the community.

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