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FlexPod – What’s in your BCDR plan?

FlexPod® offers a myriad of new integrated BCDR solutions to help you develop a plan to meet your business requirements without devastating your IT budget.

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Carol Chan

Business continuity (BC) and disaster recovery (DR) have always been key concerns for enterprises. We never know when or where the next catastrophic natural disaster will strike – wildfires in California, flash flood in Europe, hurricanes and earthquakes around the world. And then there are man-made hazards, such as rolling blackouts, chemical spills and explosions. If your organization is not managing these threats proactively, your business survival could be in jeopardy.

Your ability to respond to disasters, and your readiness to continue operations – digital or physical, on premises or in the cloud – is what sets you apart from your competition.

People often associate BCDR solutions with complex technologies and costly services. Although that might have been the case in the past decade, FlexPod® offers a myriad of new integrated BCDR solutions to help you develop a plan to meet your business requirements without devastating your IT budget.

To start, FlexPod provides a rich set of NetApp® ONTAP® data protection capabilities for local, remote and hybrid-cloud environments. These capabilities are fully integrated and validated so you don’t have the burden of putting the pieces together yourself – the solution works right out of the box! Your consolidated SAN and NAS workloads running on FlexPod can enjoy “six-nines” (99.9999%) data availability from day 1.

For business-critical environments, FlexPod with NetApp MetroCluster offers an additional layer of protection for the entire host environment. Whether it’s hardware or software problems, or environment failure – fire, flood, earthquake – that affects the entire site, you can transparently switch over to another site without disrupting business operations. No data loss. No downtime. 


Increasing numbers of FlexPod customers around the globe are turning to MetroCluster to ensure their BCDR readiness, including some in unexpected environments. One such example is a global mining company. MetroCluster ensures continuous system uptime at the mining sites to keep operations running 24/7/365.  Also, numerous FlexPod customers rely on the MetroCluster solution to meet DR compliance regulations in the most cost-effective manner.


Learn more


You can download the new FlexPod Datacenter white paper showcasing NetApp MetroCluster IP with Cisco VxLAN

The paper also highlights automation capabilities to simplify deployment and operations.

Cisco Intersight provides integrated FlexPod infrastructure monitoring and workflow orchestration to enhance the user’s experience

Additional FlexPod resources:

Carol Chan

Carol Chan is a Senior Product Manager for FlexPod. She joined NetApp in 2018 with 20+ years of enterprise experience. Prior to NetApp, Carol has led product management and marketing at multiple high tech companies including Dell EMC, VCE, Equinix, Sun Microsystems and HPE. Carol has a bachelor degree in Computer Science and MBA from Santa Clara University.

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