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Single point-of-control simplicity: Cloud Manager Hybrid Cloud Simplicity Experience

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Cathi Allen
Cathi Allen

I have 24 nieces, nephews, and grands. Years ago, I transitioned to family gifts for key holidays to keep things simple. As they’ve grown up and started their own families, my once brilliant plan to simplify gift giving is exponentially more complicated. I need a new a new gift strategy to manage my expanding family reality.

Strangely, this experience is shared in today’s enterprise environments. As data centers expanded and became distributed globally, the data fabric became “hybrid,” crossing the boundaries from brick-and-mortars to multiple clouds. Managing these environments, along with the necessary services, resource economics, and across multiple locations, became more chaotic, complex, and difficult. Can you relate? Do you see this in your digital world? Have you found a realistic solution?

Do you want to simplify your world? We have your solution.

Complexity to simplicity: A holistic approach to hybrid multicloud orchestration

Cloud Manager came from necessity, as the sole interface to deploy and manage NetApp Cloud Volumes ONTAP®. But Cloud Manager is growing up, it’s learned new things, and it now stands on its own legs.

Today, Cloud Manager is the NetApp unified management umbrella of choice for all things hybrid multicloud: storage, resources, economics, services, and toolsets. NetApp understands that customers demand simplified cloudlike management tools and concepts across their hybrid environments. Cloud Manager meets this demand. It’s SaaS based, can be accessed from anywhere, and enables the flexibility you need across your data landscape.

Management as a service

For many, the days of disparate management tools and software installed on physical hardware in a brick-and-mortar data center are gone. Technologists need access to their toolsets, dashboards, and resources, in a cloudlike experience—in other words, as a service. Cloud Manager gives you just that, a SaaS-delivered global control plane. It delivers single-pane-of-glass visibility to your NetApp data landscape, toolsets, dashboards, and resources. And it delivers NetApp standardized storage and data services across your on-premises and cloud environments, for a consistent experience, with better control.

You can deploy storage and activate services on demand. The Cloud Manager incorporated intuitive wizards, recommended actions, and integrated data management and analytics toolsets reduce risks and streamline management. Investment control – including licensing, entitlement, and storage as a service, as well as protection and on-premises resources – is included in Cloud Manager through its integrated Digital Wallet. You gain insight and standardization, optimize your investments, and reduce risks.

With Cloud Manager you realize cloud-based, centralized management across your hybrid multicloud environment.

Management from anywhere, anytime, on any device

Technologists today work from anywhere, on the go, and on any device. Gone are the days of being caged in a data center office or tied to a desk in the IT department. Our work lives are just as mobile as our personal lives, which means that the way we manage our hybrid multicloud footprint has changed. Mobility and accessibility are key to this change.

Cloud Manager is accessible from a single, intuitive web UI. It’s highly secure, incorporating single sign on (SSO), credentials control, and role-based access. Once authenticated and in the control plane, you have a single point of control across your entire environment. But management doesn’t stop there. You can deploy storage environments across public cloud providers and discover on-premises environments, with capabilities for complete control, drill down, and configuration. Services enablement, configuration, and destination resource creation are quick and easy, with real-time dashboards and alerts. Integrated toolsets provide health, wellness, and diagnostic information across your environments. Artificial intelligence-based analytics deliver machine learning-based recommended actions, including remediation wizards, helping you to prevent potential issues. If you use cloud marketplaces to procure entitlements, you can upload them into Cloud Manager Digital Wallet for additional centralized management, regardless of the cloud provider.

With Cloud Manager, you have the power to manage your hybrid multicloud storage, services, and investments from anywhere, at any time, on any device.

Managing data landscape flexibility

Without centralized and unified hybrid multicloud management, it’s difficult to create connections and relationships between disparate environments. Setting up tiering, synchronization, backups, and other necessary services between on-premises and cloud environments generally requires multiple tools and configurations that are typically difficult to adjust between environments. The ability to move resources from one environment to another is cumbersome and risk laden.

Cloud Manager enables the flexibility you need. Setting up relationships between environments is quick and easy. With the intelligent Cloud Manager Canvas, you can enable available services on working environments, drag and drop environments to create relationships, and have graphical visibility of these relationships. Enabling services between existing environments, or to new destination locations, is accomplished with intuitive wizards that offer guided policy and destination environment creation. Creating volumes, managing tiers, adjusting capacity, and moving resources can be done quickly and consistently across environments.

Flexibility is even more evident in investment control, which Cloud Manager Digital Wallet puts at your fingertips, as it enables you to exchange, convert, float, and reallocate resources to protect your investments. You can exchange Cloud Volumes per node licenses to Cloud Tiering, Cloud Data Sense, and Cloud Backup capacity credits. You can convert FabricPool licenses to Cloud Tiering entitlements, floating between AFF and FAS systems if desired. Now, NetApp Keystone® is managed through Digital Wallet and delivers one subscription for multiple clouds. You can reallocate Keystone ONTAP on-premises capacity to Cloud Volumes ONTAP through Digital Wallet exclusively.

With Cloud Manager, you realize true storage, services, relationship, and financial flexibility across your data landscape.

Single-point-of-control simplicity

Just like I must simplify how I spread Christmas cheer to my ever-growing family, you want to simplify management of your hybrid multicloud ecosystem. Cloud Manager has grown up, and it’s clear why it’s NetApp’s management control plane of choice. You realize simplified data landscape management as a service that’s accessible anywhere, anytime, from any device, with the flexibility you require.

Cloud Manager delivers the simplicity you need with single-point-of-control management across your entire enterprise landscape. Now, if I could only create a simplified “spreading-the-love” management tool for my family. Maybe Amazon has something I can use.…

Learn more about Cloud Manager Digital Wallet at and

Learn more about the full Hybrid Cloud Simplicity Experience launch here.

Cathi Allen

Cathi Allen is a long-time technologist. She started as a programmer and moved on to systems engineer, network and virtualization administrator, product management, and product marketing. Cathi has three master’s degrees: MSM – Information Systems Security, MBA – Project Management, MBA – Information Technology Management. Her thirty (30) plus years in the IT industry affords her the status of subject matter expert. She is currently the product marketing manager for Cloud Data Services at NetApp. She enjoys traveling, antiquing, movies, off-roading, camping, and hanging with her four-legged children.

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