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NetApp ATG awards five NFF research grants


September 11, 2014


NetApp ATG awards five NFF research grants

In the last month, the Advanced Technology Group (ATG) at NetApp awarded five universities with a NetApp Faculty Fellowship. Recipients of NFF awards have demonstrated to NetApp through a proposal and review process to be working on research that is likely to make significant and relevant contributions to the greater body of work and to the storage and data management industry. The five recently awarded NetApp Faculty Fellowships include: Muriel Médard, Massachusetts Institute of Technology for work on Security Considerations in Network Coded Distributed Storage Systems. Michael Reiter, University of North Carolina for work on Cost-sensitive migration in hybrid clouds Luis Ceze and Hank Levy, University of Washington for work on Leveraging Non-Volatile Memories with Versioned Key-Value Stores Patrick Eugster, Purdue University for work on Federated Big Data Processing Vincent Freeh, North Carolina State University for work on Improving Profile-Based Optimization The benefits of a NFF award include: NetApp recommends the department, university or institution for a grant from the NetApp University Research Fund (NURF) at the Silicon Valley Community Foundation (SVCF). A sponsor from NetApp will be assigned to communicate and in some cases may collaborate with project’s PI(s) and team for one year. An invitation for the PI and one graduate student to attend the next annual University Day held by ATG. For more information: NetApp Faculty Fellowship Program

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